M1 Bank Selects DSHF as one of  their new charities.

M1 Bank’s new world headquarters opened in Clayton, MO in September 2024. Ken Poteet and his wife Stephanie Bahn-Poteet started M1 Bank in 2017 as The Power of Mission and Purpose. Dred Scott was selected along with five other non-profits for support this year. Donations designated by attendees through the Giving Grove were given to the organizations by M1 Bank.   

We are extremely grateful for this relationship and the faith and purpose in the hearts of this couple to reach out to the community in this way. Many thanks to Ken and Stephanie! 

Black History/Women’s History Month Upcoming Events

Challenging History Virtual Programs – Free (Registration is required) – Register Here!
February 12-Commerce Bank Black History Month Presents the History of Dred Scott-Lynne Jackson Presenting (not open to the public)
February 15-National Association of University Women (NAUM) North Shore IL Branch 30th Annual African American Educators Luncheon-Lynne Jackson Keynote Speaker
February 16-Youth for Justice Pilgrimage sponsored by Good Journey, Dionne Ferguson, Founder & Executive Director-Lynne Jackson, Panelist

Black and white youth from Indianapolis, Indiana will attend panel discussion in St. Louis regarding civil rights issues.

February 18-Paraquad Black History Month Presentation-Lynne Jackson Presenting
February 19-St. Louis County Library Black History Month Presentation-Earnest Hart Jr., Presenting
February 20-Alongside Dr. King, a Journalist’s Up-Close Perspective on the Civil Rights Movement, Presented by the Kirkwood Human Rights Commission.

This is a presentation by friend of DSHF, JNPA board member and Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner Law Firm Partner, Ben Clark, whose father wrote the Man of the Year article on Dr. King for Time Magazine. Location: Kirkwood Performing Arts Center. This live event is free.

February 21-MCSS Annual Convention-Lynne Jackson, Brent Trout, Jody Sowell-Keynote Speakers
March 21-National Council for History Education (NCHE) Conference -Panelist include Robert Good, Lynne M. Jackson, Anne Twitty, and Andrea S. Boyles, members of the Freedom Suits Memorial Foundation Board and Education Committee (see pages 9 & 10 of program)

Governor Parsons Pardons Former Slave Celia Newsom on December 20, 2025

Great-great granddaughter of Celia Newsom, Pamela  Westbrooks-Hodge, secured a pardon from Missouri Governor Mike Parson upon leaving office on Dec 20, 2024.

KSDK Interview with Pamela

Letter in Support of Pardon of Celia Newsom