Reclaiming Our Ancestors II

On Oct 19-21, Reclaiming Our Ancestors II will happen again at the University of Buffalo in New York. Under the leadership and inspiration of Professor Kari Winter. Lynne Jackson will return and share ideas about how to create public history monuments and to create interracial dialogues based on her years of experience as founder and president of the Dred Scott Heritage Foundation in Missouri. This program is a follow-up to the initial conference Professor Winter held in 2015. A host of descendants, historians and academicians will connect have community conversations on racial justice and public history.

This conference is made possible by the generous co-sponsorship of the UB Gender Institute as part of Gender Week, the Baldy Center for Law and Social Policy, and the Departments of English, History, and Transnational Studies.

The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Space is limited.


As part of the 2015 conference, Lynne and 4 other descendants shared at the Lapidus Center for an evening of discussion at the Schomburg Center in Harlem, NY.


View following links of further interest below:




American Pendulum II

Hello Everyone,

I am sending you the wonderful program that was created for the radio show “More Perfect“. This link below will take you to the podcast created by the New York flagship NPR station WNYC about our 2016 Dred Scott Reconciliation Conference in St. Louis, MO at the Hilton Frontenac.

Due to my own schedule, I just had a quiet time today to hear it for the first time. Thank you all for your contribution to the program which made this widely distributed program available. We are grateful for the coverage and thank you for your role in sharing our story. Some of you are supporters and others are those without whom I could do nothing.

Thanks also to Julia Longoria, who came to St. Louis to covered the program and went with me to Ft. Snelling. She and her team put this together and spent part of four days with me to get the broad picture. Until we do it again …


God bless you all!





Feature Image: Dred Scott Illustration | Mitch Boyer