In 2006, a discovery was made that opened the door to additional genealogical history of the family of Dred and Harriet Scott. Harriet Scott’s gravesite was confirmed at Greenwood Cemetery by the research of Ruth Ann Hager, CG, CGL (Certified Genealogist and Lecturer) at the St. Louis County Library and from that discovery aided by descendants of the Scotts, a truly remarkable account of the lives of Dred, Harriet and their two daughter’s family was revealed. Published in Feb 2010, this book not only sheds light on the family lineage of these to civil rights pioneers, but also shares how others can research their own family histories.

To purchase the book, use the Buy Now button or send $25.00 each plus $4.00 shipping and handling to The Dred Scott Heritage Foundation, P. O. Box 2009, Florissant, MO 63032-2009. Be sure to include your name and mailing address.