Tag Archives: Dred Scott

M1 Bank Selects DSHF as one of  their new charities.

M1 Bank’s new world headquarters opened in Clayton, MO in September 2024. Ken Poteet and his wife Stephanie Bahn-Poteet started M1 Bank in 2017 as The Power of Mission and Purpose. Dred Scott was selected along with five other non-profits for support this year. Donations designated by attendees through the Giving Grove were given to the organizations by M1 Bank.   

We are extremely grateful for this relationship and the faith and purpose in the hearts of this couple to reach out to the community in this way. Many thanks to Ken and Stephanie! 

Black History/Women’s History Month Upcoming Events

Challenging History Virtual Programs – Free (Registration is required) – Register Here!
February 12-Commerce Bank Black History Month Presents the History of Dred Scott-Lynne Jackson Presenting (not open to the public)
February 15-National Association of University Women (NAUM) North Shore IL Branch 30th Annual African American Educators Luncheon-Lynne Jackson Keynote Speaker
February 16-Youth for Justice Pilgrimage sponsored by Good Journey, Dionne Ferguson, Founder & Executive Director-Lynne Jackson, Panelist

Black and white youth from Indianapolis, Indiana will attend panel discussion in St. Louis regarding civil rights issues.

February 18-Paraquad Black History Month Presentation-Lynne Jackson Presenting
February 19-St. Louis County Library Black History Month Presentation-Earnest Hart Jr., Presenting
February 20-Alongside Dr. King, a Journalist’s Up-Close Perspective on the Civil Rights Movement, Presented by the Kirkwood Human Rights Commission.

This is a presentation by friend of DSHF, JNPA board member and Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner Law Firm Partner, Ben Clark, whose father wrote the Man of the Year article on Dr. King for Time Magazine. Location: Kirkwood Performing Arts Center. This live event is free.

February 21-MCSS Annual Convention-Lynne Jackson, Brent Trout, Jody Sowell-Keynote Speakers
March 21-National Council for History Education (NCHE) Conference -Panelist include Robert Good, Lynne M. Jackson, Anne Twitty, and Andrea S. Boyles, members of the Freedom Suits Memorial Foundation Board and Education Committee (see pages 9 & 10 of program)

Governor Parsons Pardons Former Slave Celia Newsom on December 20, 2025

Great-great granddaughter of Celia Newsom, Pamela  Westbrooks-Hodge, secured a pardon from Missouri Governor Mike Parson upon leaving office on Dec 20, 2024.

KSDK Interview with Pamela

Letter in Support of Pardon of Celia Newsom

Dred Scott Footprints Bus Tour

On November 16, 2024 This fascinating bus tour of the St. Louis area will visit and visually explore many locations and memorials that connect to and honor the person and cause of Dred Scott’s struggle for freedom.  You will be surprised and delighted by the hidden gems around the St. Louis area that exist to recognize the significance of the man and his story.  Lessor known art, sculpture and honors exist all around us; some which you may pass by everyday unaware.

This exciting and surprising tour will be narrated by a Dred Scott descendant. The price of $112.00 includes: free parking at the starting site; modern bus with facilities, day long tour with many surprises, lunch at the iconic Blueberry Hill (lunch on your own), information on national locations where Dred Scott is heralded and honored, games, souvenirs, and photo ops. This fast paced tour has delighted young and old. If you’ve toured with us before come see whats new!

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Could this be the future home for The Dred Scott International Center?


Established in 1956 on Washington Blvd and Jefferson Avenue. Initially, Black citizens could bank there, but not work there. Protests were organized by prominent Black citizens (Aug 1963 – Mar 1964): Led by William “Bill” Clay and supported by business, religious, and civic leaders (CORE).

Results of protests:
Reversal of discriminatory employment policy and other corporations followed suit.

Key dates:
1976: Bank moved to 2301 Market Street
2022: Sold to First Midbank and Trust
2024: Available for acquisition by Dred Scott Heritage Foundation

Significance of location:
It is in direct line with Old Courthouse, Dred and Harriet Scott Statue, and the Arch. There is a clear view of the Civil Court building (location of the new Freedom Suits Memorial where Dred and Harriet are listed) and the Carnahan Federal Court building.

Potential future: Dred Scott International Center (Foundation’s eighth legacy project. The previous seven are shown here.)

We are inviting all who see this vision to help us make this a
reality by:

1.  Spreading the word
2.  Making a generous donation
3.  Referring someone to us who would be interested in supporting this mission also

Currently, donations can be made via paypal or mail your donation to DSHF PO Box 705, Florissant, MO 63032

This facility offers numerous opportunities for community engagement and historical preservation:

Legacy Home: For DSHF and American History Museum exhibits

Official Home: For “DS Presents: Sons and Daughters of Reconciliation”

Educational Facilities: Classrooms for youth, family, and mentoring programs

Reading Program: “Reading: A Civil Right” – A three-part program since 2020

Event Space: Available for rentals and meetings

Community Programs: Host for various projects and initiatives

Business Incubator: Space for small businesses, gift shop, and book store

Media Productions: Space for theatrical presentations (DS Theatre Troupe), video and audio productions, podcasts, etc.

Space for joint programs with our collaborators

A genealogy kiosk for family research

A new website dedicated to this project with more information is coming soon. For further information or to contribute, please contact us at:
P. O. Box 705 Florissant, MO 63032-0705 
[email protected]
Lynne M. Jackson, Descendant, President & Founder

We are inviting all who see this vision to help us make this a
reality by:

1.  Spreading the word
2.  Making a generous donation
3.  Referring someone to us who would be interested in supporting this mission also

Currently, donations can be made via paypal or mail your donation to DSHF PO Box 705, Florissant, MO 63032

Constitution Day Special


In honor of his life and passing, the DSHF created a special commemorative pocket sized constitution booklet in 2023. This handsome keepsake has a black leatherette cover with gold leaf lettering. Because of the Dred Scott Decision of 1857, we have the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, often called the Reconstruction Amendments, the Civil Rights Amendments and sometimes called the Dred Scott Amendments.




Purchases made by September 30 will receive free shipping


Celebrating the Life of John Lebourgeois

In July 2024, we celebrated the life of a dear friend and family member, John LeBourgeois, the great-great-grandson of Charlotte Blow, daughter of Dred Scott’s original owners (Peter and Elizabeth Blow) who left this world on April 11, 2024. He was a member of Dred Scott Presents:  Sons and Daughters of Reconciliation and a staunch and devoted supporter of the Dred Scott Heritage Foundation along with many of his family members. 

John and his wife Mimi, one daughter Anne and a nephew, Ashton, met Lynne Jackson in Southampton, VA at the dedication of the Dred Scott Blow Family Highway marker installed by another Blow descendant, Jeffrey Hines.  Because of Facebook, total strangers met whose lives were entwined. The other daughter, Louise, has participated in three major Dred Scott programs in Marshfield, Missouri, St. Louis, and at Calvary Cemetery.

The LeBourgeois family has been as dear to us today as their ancestors were to Dred Scott, helping him and Harriet in their eleven-year battle for freedom.  Today the family is engaged in helping us promote the principals and necessities as well as the joys of reconciliation.  I spoke at the memorial which was held in John’s favorite spot, Promontory Point Field House on Lakeshore Drive in Chicago, Illinois. John was a man of many disciplines and everyone who attended thought we knew him, until we heard the warm and hilarious stories about his life and career at the memorial.   I found out John was an artist. The caricature portrait of John was drawn by Tom Bachtell.

John’s family graciously invited donations to be sent to the Dred Scott Heritage Foundation and The Whitney Plantation. Rest in peace dear John and thank you for representing what God’s humanity to man can look like.  We will always remember and love you!


Awesome Juneteenth Events 2024

May 26, 2024

June 13, 2024

Save the Date!

The North STL County Juneteenth 2024 celebration will include the luncheon The State of Us on June 13th Keynote speaker will be Lynne Jackson, great- great granddaughter of Harriet and Dred Scott. The focus is Freedom Suits and Juneteenth. Mrs. Jackson is founder of the Dred Scott Heritage Foundation and a board member of the Freedom Suits Monument Foundation and the Jefferson National Parks Association.

June 18, 2024

The Milly Project

The Freedom Suits Monument Board in association with the St. Louis Law Library will host a Juneteenth program at the Circuit Court Building on Tuesday, June 18th.  The Milly Project is a heroic-turned-tragic, true story about Milly Sawyers, an enslaved Black woman, who filed two freedom suits in St. Louis, MO.

View the video and join our panelists for a discussion of this story brought to light by Ms. Kendra Chappell. For more information and panelists visit:


June 21, 2024

2024 NFPW Conference

Join us on Friday, June 21, 2024   

REGISTRATION OPEN 8-pm Clayton Foyer North 8–9 a.m., Welcome and Breakfast Clayton BD 9:15–11 a.m., Keynote Session: “History in the Headlines,” Lynne Jackson, great-great granddaughter of Dred and Harriet Scott, and Dr. Jody Sowell, president of Missouri Historical Society and former assistant professor of journalism, University of Missouri-Columbia School of Journalism.  

NFPW Conference

June 22, 2024

Ste. Geneviève Juneteenth Program

Freedom Suits and local history will be examined by Lynne M. Jackson including her personal connection to the area.  

June 22, 2024 1:30 P.M.
Ste. Geneviève National Historical Park 
Welcome Center
66 S. Main Street
Ste. Geneviève, MO 63670 

June 27, 2024

Brown v. Board of Education National Historical Park

On June 27, 2024 at 6:00 p.m., a presentation for  professional development in collaboration with the Brown v. Board of Education National Historical Park, Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum & Boyhood Home, Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site, and William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum will be held in Little Rock, Arkansas.

This event will commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education SCOTUS decision and serve as a platform for in-depth teaching and learning of civics and civil rights in the United States of America. The events leading up to Brown include discussions on Dred Scott v Sandford and Plessy v Ferguson.  Descendants will be presenting.