The above is a structural rendition of the new Dred Scott Cemetery Memorial. There will be text sharing the history of the case and the family written throughout the monument.
Thank you all who have donated. We have an opportunity to dedicate this on Juneteenth 2021 if we raise the money by
December 15, 2020. The nine foot high, ten by ten area will be black granite with two benches. Share it far and wide on social media, let’s make this happen! Your support will help us see this in 2021.

September 17th is Constitution Day. Dred Scott’s connection to the Constitution is inescapable. So much so, that the Amendments that helped bring down the undignified aspects of slavery are also known as the Dred Scott Amendments.
On this 162nd anniversary of his death, September 17, 1858, the foundation that bears his name seeks to honor him with a new grave site memorial. Constitution Day 2020 the Dred Scott Heritage Foundation launched the Dred Scott Memorial Go Fund Me
To donate and for more information, click the GoFundMe icon below and see the press release link:

Dred Scott Monument Article by The St. Louis American