Tag Archives: Dred Scott

Be On The Bus! The Dred Scott Footprints Bus Tour 2018

Young Friends of Dred Scott
8th Annual Field Trip

Saturday, October 20, 2018

The tour begins at 8:45 a.m. at the Eugene Field House – 634 South Broadway and ends there by 4:00 p.m. Tour bus by Vandalia Bus Lines with accommodations.

This fascinating bus tour of the St. Louis area will tour and visually explore over 25 locations and memorials that connect to and honor the person and cause of Dred Scott’s struggle for freedom. You will be surprised and delighted by the hidden gems around the St. Louis area that exist to recognize the significance of the man and his story. Lessor known art, sculpture and honors exist all around us; some which you may pass by everyday unaware.

There will be a drawing for the New Dred Scott T-Shirt and Mug during the tour.

Updated route for return tourists!

Registration deadline is October 19, 2018
Send payment with name(s) and phone number to:

P. O. Box 2009
Florissant, MO 63032-2009

The tour will be narrated by a Dred Scott descendant.

The all-inclusive price of $75.00 includes: free secured parking at the starting site; modern bus with facilities, day long tour with many surprises, lunch at the iconic Blueberry Hill, information on national locatio ns where Dred Scott is heralded and honored, games, souvenirs, photo ops and special guests along the route. This fast paced tour has delighted young and old.

Group registrations of 5 or more are discounted at $65.00

Be sure to bring your camera!  Wear comfortable shoes. You can board and disembark as you desire. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult

For more information contact:

Tiffanie Durham
Young Friends of Dred Scott

Classical music should reflect the society we live in: Chamber Project returns for 10th year



Dana Hotle, Kyle Lombard and Adam Manness dicussed the Chamber Project of Saint Louis’ 10th season.


Originally published on September 6, 2017 5:14 pm

Can the story of the famed Dred Scott decision be effectively put to music? In this tenth year of the Chamber Project Saint Louis, composer Adam Manness is giving it a try.

The first concert of the season, titled “Faith,” features the world premiere of Manness’ “The Devil and the Law,” a work commissioned by Chamber Project based on the Dred Scott case. In it, Manness uses voice, string quartet and flute, transitioning in sound from the darkness of the decision itself to a powerful reflection by Frederick Douglass on the case, ending on a note of hope.

Dana Hotle, a clarinetist and co-artistic director of Chamber Project, said the concert will combine this composition with Manness’ “Delmar Wall” for a night of reflection on the idea of faith and the history of St. Louis. It will be performed at the Missouri History Museum in connection with the current exhibition “#1 in Civil Rights, the African American Freedom Struggle in St. Louis.”



Chamber Project Saint Louis embarks on its 10th season by paying homage to St. Louis, the good and the bad, in a series of seven concerts. St. Louis on the Air contributor Steve Potter spoke with contributors to this year’s performances.

It falls into the entire theme of the season, consisting of seven concerts held at varying venues across St. Louis, which addresses St. Louis and its place in the world.

“We decided with our 10th season is that we wanted to celebrate St. Louis because the mission of Chamber Project is to build community in St. Louis,” Hotle said. “We employ over 20 artists and musicians in St. Louis and we keep it local. The community has supported us so much in the past 10 years, we wanted to celebrate that.”

Chamber Project violinist Kyle Lombard said he appreciates the ensemble’s casual feel, accessibility and commitment to putting the best classical music product on stage.

“For aficionados, these performances add context to works they already know,” Hotle said. “For people who are new to the genre, these concerts give them context to feel like they’re on the inside. One of the things we started with in the Chamber Project was trying to frame music that makes it accessible to everyone. A lot of that is telling a story through the music and finding stories people can relate to. What is the story behind the music? What will you connect to?”

Part of that means putting the music in different venues than classical music is typically played in. In this season, concerts will take place in venues ranging from the Missouri History Museum, The Chapel near Washington University’s campus, the Schlafly Tap Room and the Vino Gallery.

Such a change-up in venue also brings the performers closer together, said Lombard.

“As a violinst, I’m always thinking about the space I’m playing, projection,” Lombard said. “The connection that we feel with Chamber Project is what is really special. When you’re thrown into a brand new acoustic, it is a challenge for players to stay connected to one another.”

Concert themes this season range from faith to architecture to protest to environmentalism, but Hotle said the key to this season is its diversity in the composers and performers highlighted.

We are very passionate that our art form of classical music should reflect the society we live in,” Hotle said. “It doesn’t need to disregard the classical, great, white European composers, to include their stories in the way they are relevant today, but also to include as many diverse people as possible: women, people of color. That’s what will keep this art form alive, if they can connect this music, this art form, to their lives.”

Chamber Project is also hosting a docent led tour of the Missouri History Museum’s exhibition “#1 in Civil Rights, the African American Freedom Struggle in St. Louis” September 6 at 7:00 p.m. Register here.

Related Event

What: Chamber Project Saint Louis Presents “Faith”

When: Friday, Sept. 8 at 7:30 p.m.

Where: Missouri History Museum, Lindell Boulevard and DeBaliviere Avenue in Forest Park, 5700 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis

More information.

St. Louis on the Air brings you the stories of St. Louis and the people who live, work and create in our region. St. Louis on the Air host Don Marsh and producers Mary EdwardsAlex Heuer and Kelly Moffitt give you the information you need to make informed decisions and stay in touch with our diverse and vibrant St. Louis region. 

Copyright 2017 St. Louis Public Radio. To see more, visit St. Louis Public Radio.

Maryland State House Removes Statue Of Judge Who Wrote Dred Scott Decision

The article featured on Station WWFD.ORG reported/written by is the removal of the monument dedicated to former Chief Justice of the United States Roger Taney in Annapolis, Md..


Read the online post click here:




Historic Healing & Reconciliation 160th Annversary Of Dred Scott Decision Monday March 6, 2017

MARYLAND STATE HOUSE ANNAPOLIS, MD – 3/2/2017 — NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE  NAACP Anne Arundel County, Maryland Branch P.O. 6210 Annapolis Maryland 21401   Phone: 443-883-5151  www.annearundelcountynaacp.org



On Monday, March 6, 2017, at 11:30 am, the 160th anniversary of the Dred Scott decision, there will be a historic apology made for The Dred Scott Decision at The Robert Brooke Taney statue in front of the Maryland State House.   The Descendants of both former Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney and The Dred Scott family are coming together on March 6th for two reasons. First, to reconfirm the reconciliation of the Scotts and Taneys, with accompanying apology and forgiveness. Second, to speak against the removal of the Roger Brooke Taney statue Maryland State Capitol Grounds.  Instead, they see an opportunity for reconciliation via the erection of statues of Dred Scott and Frederick Douglass to stand in a position of dialogue with Roger Brooke Taney, along with an educational display on the Dred Scott decision and its aftermath.  And, they will help raise the funds for the Dred Scott statue. The Scotts and Taneys believe that Americans should learn from their history, not bury their history.

For additional information …



160th Anniversary of the Dred Scott Decision
Annapolis, MD Reconciliation Event
March 6, 2017
Contact: Tracey Wagner
[email protected] 
Phone:  443-333-9410

The modern-day families of Dred Scott and Roger Brooke Taney were brought together by a work of art.

In May, 2016, the renowned Actors Studio in New York City produced the premier of A Man of His Time, a one act play centered on an emotional meeting of the descendants of Scott and Taney set in today’s time. The playwright is Kate Taney Billingsley, an actor and member of the Actors Studio. The Actors Studio invited Lynne Jackson, the great-great-granddaughter of Dred Scott and Charlie Taney, the great-great-great nephew of Roger Brooke Taney to come to New York to participate in a talk-back session with the audience after the play. Jackson lives in Missouri, Taney in Connecticut.

After meeting in New York, Lynne Jackson and Charlie Taney formed a working relationship. Jackson says; “Only Divine Providence could have set up the Scott and Taney descendant’s first meeting around an amazing play written by a Taney about Scott and Taney descendants meeting for the first time! I had hoped to meet and draw them out over time to build a relationship through the Foundation’s work and they actually contacted me. It was a highlight for me personally and for the Foundation’s 10th anniversary.”


Jackson is the founder and president of the Dred Scott Heritage Foundation in St. Louis and needed help with a strategic plan. Taney consults with non-profits and offered to work pro bono with Jackson on this project. After successfully completing the strategic plan, Jackson invited Taney to Dred Scott Presents Sons & Daughters of Reconciliation, a December 2016 conference in St. Louis hosted by the Dred Scott Heritage Foundation. At this event the Taney and Scott families participated in a public reconciliation. Taney recognized the harm caused to African Americans by the infamous Dred Scott decision authored by Roger Brooke Taney, and formally apologized for the Taney family to the Scott family. In turn, the Scott family formally forgave the Taney family. The result is a new foundation of trust, and a commitment to work together on the reconciliation of black and white America.  Charlie Taney says, “Working with Lynne Jackson and the Scott family on reconciliation has been an important and deeply moving experience. “

Another work of art, the statue of Roger Brooke Taney in Annapolis, is bringing the Scott’s and Taney’s together again. On March 6, 2017, the 160th anniversary of the Dred Scott decision, they will be at the Taney statue in front of the Maryland State House. They are coming together on March 6th for two reasons. First, to reconfirm the reconciliation of the Scott’s and Taney’s, with accompanying apology and forgiveness. Second, to speak against the removal of the Taney statue. Instead, they see an opportunity for reconciliation via the erection of a statue of Dred Scott to stand side-by-side with Roger Brooke Taney, along with an educational display on the Dred Scott decision and its aftermath. And, they will help raise the funds for the Dred Scott statue. The Scott’s and Taney’s believe that Americans should learn from their history, not bury their history.

On the morning of March 6th, a reading of A Man of His Time will be performed.

As President Obama said in his remarks at Reverend Pickney’s funeral after the 2015 Charleston massacre; “Justice grows out of our recognition of each other”.


Photo: Tyler Sizemore / Hearst Connecticut Media
Follow Kate Taney Billingsley on Twitter:

Dred Scott Reconciliation Conference 10th Anniversary

A benefit gala at Frontenac Hilton Hotel in Frontenac, MO

On December 2nd – 3rd, 2016 the Dred Scott Heritage Foundation held its Dred Scott Reconciliation Conference at the Frontenac Hilton Hotel’s Clayton Room.  This celebration and conference marked its 10th Anniversary.

Continue reading please …

Photo source: B. Webster for Blacktie-Missouri

Descendants Meet

Descendants of Dred Scott and Roger Taney Meet in New York

May 13 & 14, 2016

Kaitlyn Taney Billingsley and her father Charlie Taney, great-great nephew of the Justice that read the Dred Scott Decision are meeting for the first time. The host is the Actor’s Studio in New York, under the direction of Ms. Estelle Parsons, they play is a realistic fictitious account that Ms. Billingsley conceived could happen as portrayed by the two actors.

Reconciliation Forum

6th Annual Dred Scott Reconciliation Forum

Marshfield, MO
April 29, 2016

Thomas Jefferson’s 9th generation grandson, Shannon Lanier, joined Lynne as they reviewed some of the 10 years of reconciliation activities.  Among the guest at the 11th annual Cherry Blossom Festival was a living DAUGHTER Ira, Gray Jordan, of a Civil War Veteran.  That’s right….. 91 years old, her father had her when he was 82 and she reminisced about her father’s days in the civil war before his death when she was almost 9 years old.

Subject reference sources:




Rights of Usage: The Dred Scott Heritage Foundation in no way seeks to misuse or misrepresent any content posted on its site(s). Content is posted to only support topics presented. For these purposes, every attempt is thoughtfully made to acknowledge sources and credit ownership. Should the owner of such content request it removed, it will be done so in a timely manner. 

Medal of Honor Award

National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution

Medal of Honor Award
April 16, 2016

The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution gave their highest award, the Medal of Honor to Dred Scott’s great-great granddaughter at their regional Conference in St. Charles, MO.. Lynne Jackson accepted the award stating that she was more thrilled at the giving than the receiving and was happy to receive it in the spirit of reconciliation that the DAR afforded in bestowing this honor.  Mrs. Joan Koechig of the St. Charles Chapter Nominated her and State Regent, Morgan Lake, presented the medal and certificate with President General, Lynn Forney Young.

Source: http://www.dar.org/

United Cry

United Cry in Washington DC

On April 9, 2016, The attendees of the National call to Cry Out for restoration and reconciliation saw the symbolic repentance in the act of a foot washing ceremony for descendants of Martin Luther King, Jr., Alex Halley and William Ford and Dred Scott. Bishop Harry Jackson presided over this section of the day long event with Mike Berry and many pastors as all work priest mantles of authority in recognition of this historic event.