Tag Archives: Slavery

project Say something

As a guest of Project Say Something and the University of North Alabama Office of Diversity and Institutional Equity, Lynne spoke at the University on Feb 25, 2019. Project Say Something of Florence, AL  is campaigning to erect a monument of former residents Dred and Harriet Scott in front of their local courthouse to contextualize the Confederate monument that has stood there since 1903. The Scotts were chosen after a year-long campaign to educate, raise awareness, and seek an alternative to the existing monument, which is protected by Alabama state law. The Scotts’ struggle for justice inspired the group; they believe the Scotts’ perseverance in their fight for freedom is an important reminder for future generations that justice is often a struggle.

Proposed statue of Dred & Harriet Scott by Project Say Something of Florence, Alabama

washington university hosts 400 Event: Black Struggle, Resiliency and Hope for the Future

Dred and Harriet Scott were represented at the Washington University program Black Struggle, Resiliency and Hope for the Future on Feb 10, 2019 in Graham Chapel.  It is the first of three programs throughout the year in commemoration of the 400th Anniversary of the arrival of the first slave ship to port in Virginia in August of 1619. The programs are convened by Wash U Associate Professor Jack A. Kirkland. Among the speakers was the new chancellor, Andrew Martin, Ph. D as of June 1, 2019.  Others included Adrienne D. Davis, JD and Law School Vice Provost; The Honorable Wesley Bell, St. Louis County Prosecutor, and Lynne M. Jackson, Dred Scott descendant. The rest of the trilogy will be on June 2, and November 10, 2019. The public is invited.

Link to article from St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Be On The Bus! The Dred Scott Footprints Bus Tour 2018

Young Friends of Dred Scott
8th Annual Field Trip

Saturday, October 20, 2018

The tour begins at 8:45 a.m. at the Eugene Field House – 634 South Broadway and ends there by 4:00 p.m. Tour bus by Vandalia Bus Lines with accommodations.

This fascinating bus tour of the St. Louis area will tour and visually explore over 25 locations and memorials that connect to and honor the person and cause of Dred Scott’s struggle for freedom. You will be surprised and delighted by the hidden gems around the St. Louis area that exist to recognize the significance of the man and his story. Lessor known art, sculpture and honors exist all around us; some which you may pass by everyday unaware.

There will be a drawing for the New Dred Scott T-Shirt and Mug during the tour.

Updated route for return tourists!

Registration deadline is October 19, 2018
Send payment with name(s) and phone number to:

P. O. Box 2009
Florissant, MO 63032-2009

The tour will be narrated by a Dred Scott descendant.

The all-inclusive price of $75.00 includes: free secured parking at the starting site; modern bus with facilities, day long tour with many surprises, lunch at the iconic Blueberry Hill, information on national locatio ns where Dred Scott is heralded and honored, games, souvenirs, photo ops and special guests along the route. This fast paced tour has delighted young and old.

Group registrations of 5 or more are discounted at $65.00

Be sure to bring your camera!  Wear comfortable shoes. You can board and disembark as you desire. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult

For more information contact:

Tiffanie Durham
Young Friends of Dred Scott

Logan University in Chesterfield, MO to host The NATIONAL JUDICIAL COLLEGE SYMPOSIUM

You are invited to a very special event on Monday, July 16, 2018
at Logan University in Chesterfield, MO.


This national training for judges is free and is being made available to you as guests of the Dred Scott Heritage Foundation which will present the morning session with the panel –

Dred Scott Presents:  Sons and Daughters of Reconciliation.

Lunch is provided and there will be a reception following the afternoon session presented by judges.

We hope you can attend – REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.
Register online by clicking the following link:

If you need help registering, let us know. SEE THE ATTACHED
for program description and details. This is an event of the National Judicial College whose purpose is to provide relevant training to judges across the country.  

Call if you have any questions.

You may receive this in an email blast as well. Please understand
the duplication. This is your personal invitation.


On Sunday, March 18, 2018, we will proudly honor several individuals whose lives have exemplified selfless service and outstanding character in the pursuit of their life’s calling.

We are delighted to have as our Honorary Co-chairs the Honorable Missouri Supreme Court Judge George W. Draper III and St. Louis Circuit Court Associate Judge Judy Draper. Once again our Awards Dinner Chairman is Ms. Peggy Lewis LeCompte. We invite you to support our dinner and help us celebrate these servant leaders for willfully exercising their sacrificial duty to our needy society.

We hope you will join us!

Click the link to conveniently “reserve” your tickets online


or click the link below to download your sponsorship package/ticket order form.


“I, Dred Scott, A Musical”


I, Dred Scott, A Musical tells the story of Dred and Harriet Scott and their two daughters’ fight for freedom. Written, produced, and directed by Shelia P. Moses and starring Bobby Norfolk, this new musical takes a personal look at the Scotts—and how their lives were forever changed following an infamous US Supreme Court decision.

Missouri Historical Society | Find Yourself Here.



Reclaiming Our Ancestors II

On Oct 19-21, Reclaiming Our Ancestors II will happen again at the University of Buffalo in New York. Under the leadership and inspiration of Professor Kari Winter. Lynne Jackson will return and share ideas about how to create public history monuments and to create interracial dialogues based on her years of experience as founder and president of the Dred Scott Heritage Foundation in Missouri. This program is a follow-up to the initial conference Professor Winter held in 2015. A host of descendants, historians and academicians will connect have community conversations on racial justice and public history.

This conference is made possible by the generous co-sponsorship of the UB Gender Institute as part of Gender Week, the Baldy Center for Law and Social Policy, and the Departments of English, History, and Transnational Studies.

The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Space is limited.


As part of the 2015 conference, Lynne and 4 other descendants shared at the Lapidus Center for an evening of discussion at the Schomburg Center in Harlem, NY.


View following links of further interest below:








American Pendulum II

Hello Everyone,

I am sending you the wonderful program that was created for the radio show “More Perfect“. This link below will take you to the podcast created by the New York flagship NPR station WNYC about our 2016 Dred Scott Reconciliation Conference in St. Louis, MO at the Hilton Frontenac.


Due to my own schedule, I just had a quiet time today to hear it for the first time. Thank you all for your contribution to the program which made this widely distributed program available. We are grateful for the coverage and thank you for your role in sharing our story. Some of you are supporters and others are those without whom I could do nothing.

Thanks also to Julia Longoria, who came to St. Louis to covered the program and went with me to Ft. Snelling. She and her team put this together and spent part of four days with me to get the broad picture. Until we do it again …


God bless you all!





Feature Image: Dred Scott Illustration | Mitch Boyer


A Conversation with Lynne M. Jackson

Open to the Public Lynne Jackson Great-Great Granddaughter and President and Founder of the Dred Scott Heritage Foundation

Saturday, September 9
Trinity Episcopal Church
318 South Duchesne, St. Charles

10:30am until noon

Daughters-Union-Vets-CW_LogoSponsored by: Julia Dent Grant Tent, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War (DUVCW) 1861-1865

Hosted by: Trinity Episcopal Church

Call 636-946-2820 with any questions

