Tag Archives: Young Readers

New Science Fiction Reading Club

#ANewChapter: A Science Fiction Reading Club is the latest installment of Reading: A Civil Right, a division of the Dred Scott Heritage Foundation’s literature program.

The Dred Scott Heritage Foundation, The Imagine Society, and the Green Hill Juvenile Detention Center have partnered together and selected a Science Fiction Reading Club as our first collaboration! This February, we’re inviting all teen readers to celebrate the science in science fiction and how young people can positively impact their future! The reading club is an exciting new project for 2023 in The Imagine Society’s #ANewChapter and The Dred Scott Heritage Foundation’s “Reading: A Civil Right” campaigns uniting young readers across the country and beyond! The book selection features exciting classic and contemporary titles!

Science made it possible for robots to stroll through the canyons and craters on Mars, and for you to scroll through the posts and profiles on the internet. The study of science has led to amazing discoveries that have opened our world to limitless possibilities. It’s also part of the things that help us every day. Whether big like a black hole or small like a microchip, our present and our future are shaped by science. These technological advancements can help our world in extraordinary ways and other times may feel like they hurt us or hinder certain communities. This fall we challenge you to imagine YOUR future while reading SCIENCE FICTION!

THANK YOU Jeannie, Danielle, and Julie.

How can you get involved? It’s easy!